How do SME’s Stack up on Black Friday?

As the festive season is upon us, and as the soft twinkle of Christmas  lights slowly start to appear in front windows across the country, the term ‘Black Friday’ is on the lips of every eager shopper and retailer across the globe! This has got me thinking about the nature of Black Friday in 2015,…

Is Marketing TOO Digitally Focused?

Is Marketing TOO Digitally Focused? A question to crowd-source opinion on whether traditional marketing is blinded by the ever evolving role of digital. As I sit and sip my Starbucks Skinny Latte, I ponder a thought that is stirring the cogs of many marketing brains around the world. This post has derived from reading a few articles…

Student’s Opportunities Bloom With Waitrose

Originally posted on UCLan Business and Enterprise :
The experience Marketing Management student Zain completed a rigorous application process which involved taking a personality test, a logical reasoning test, and attending an assessment centre followed by a final interview. He was subsequently offered a 12 month placement in Waitrose’s head office. The 21-year-old’s role was originally…

Is Age a Game Changer?…

As the roar of the crowds get louder, the competition gets hotter, and as the subs wait eagerly in the wing warming up for their next big break, graduates throughout the world anticipate the blow of the final whistle of success. As I study my diary and as I ‘plan to plan’ the last few…

Grab Your Career by the Cojones…

As I commence my final commute, and my placement at BJL comes to a close, I ponder on the learning curve I have greatly enjoyed, and my future prospects as a graduate. Fabulous to see everything put to practice, and a creative agency turning the successful cogs of integrated marketing and advertising. Not only that,…